Start the new year fresh and full of energy!
After the holidays is the perfect time for a fresh start... for our bodies too!
That's why we've put together a very special package for you: Detox & Beauty!
Within 4 weeks you can gently cleanse your body from the inside, recharge your batteries and feel light and full of energy again.
We look forward to starting a fit new year together with you and to seeing you
on your path to greater well-being.
Take advantage of our New Year offer now and take the first step towards a vital and carefree year!
We look forward to seeing you!
Your Shape-Line team 💌

Train the musculoskeletal system while lying down and relax with body shaping
✅Improved mobility, pain is harmoniously moved away. The body is reshaped and the circumference is reduced
Detox Wrap
✅Measurable centimetre loss due to discharged water retention
✅Fat deposits disappear and tired, wrinkled tissue becomes firm and smooth
Acidic tissue is detoxified in a pH-neutral way
✅Deposited heavy metals are broken down
✅Allergies become easier
Wrinkled, dry skin (low pH value) becomes elastic and fresh
Aminopower Wrap
Promotes blood circulation
Supports muscle building
Reduces cellulite
✅With amino acids, hyaluronic acid and natural oils
Tummy modelling
✅Activation of the small intestine
✅Immediate abdominal reduction
✅Lose weight on the abdomen by reducing gas and faecal abdomen
✅Weight reduction
✅Flat stomach
Slim Booster
✅Elimination of fat deposits, tightening of the connective tissue, flawless figure
Book your DETOX & BEAUTY promotion today
and let yourself be spoilt!
Aimed directly at cellulite and provides
Stimulation waves for smooth skin.
Less weight and clear skin - visible and noticeable results after just a short time!
You will be able to feel and see the positive change in your body after just a few weeks.