Lose weight without sacrificing much
Dinner Cancelling provides you with your low-calorie diet shake meal or, optionally, your calorie-free meal instead of dinner. Chocolate whey drink. This ensures you get enough nutrients and vital substances. Without cravings every evening, losing weight will come naturally to you.
Diet shake natural
The nature Shake is a complete diet shake with all 8 essential amino acids. The unique composition of valuable raw materials provides all the important nutrients for an optimal metabolism and your well-being in one meal.
Chocolate whey
contains all 8 essential amino acids, just like our shake. Enjoyed once or twice a day as an easily digestible, tasty drink, its low-calorie sweet whey and delicious chocolate flavour make it a really satisfying drink - and it takes away your cravings for sweets. A must-have for those with a sweet tooth who want to lose weight.
If you replace your evening meal 12 times with our Duo Shake & Whey, you will gradually lose weight as if by magic, without any cravings.
Mix the chocolate whey powder with water, almond or soya milk as an early evening meal. Add three tablespoons of unflavoured diet shake. The result is a creamy, deliciously filling full meal.
Interesting facts that you may not have known yet
Our cellular building blocks consist of 8 essential and 14 non-essential amino acids. 8 essential amino acids because we have to get them from our diet every day. Our body uses the 22 amino acids to build millions of metabolic building blocks such as nerve cells, proteins, hormones, etc. Our shake and our chocolate whey contain all of these 8 essential amino acids. The body produces the 14 non-essential amino acids itself. If your metabolism is tired, you can boost your own sluggish production with the Ketoglyx slimming drops accelerate massively. This increases the basal metabolic rate and thus the daily calorie consumption.