PeptidX® - the new high-tech active ingredient
The highly effective anti-cellulite wrap with algae, hexapeptides and caffeine extracts
Removes annoying cellulite very effectively, prevents expansion and new formation
orange peel skin on hips and thighs, smoothes and tightens.
For beauty from the INSIDE and OUTSIDE!

The fermented hexapeptides penetrate with high
bioavailability deep into the clogged layers and stimulate
This is exactly where cellulite reduction starts.
The trapped collagen fibres recover
and become so strong that the cells
hardly adhere to the tissue. The Cellu dents can
no longer push through the skin layers to the outside.
This improvement and strengthening of the connective tissue is called
even on ultrasound images.

Scientists explain the success of Algae PeptidX® by the fact that the active ingredients target the cause of cellulite:
PeptidX® wrap compressions are firmly fixed with thermoactive sugar cane film fixed to the skin.
This leads to a change in the slagged cells
and loosens the blockage in the connective tissue fibres.
Studies confirm the effectiveness of
Algae PeptidX® wrap.
The studies came to the same conclusion
to the conclusion that HEXAPEPTIDE has such a high
have a strong effect on skin density and skin elasticity,
that cellulite is reduced. Neither fatty tissue
slag dents can still accumulate in the skin layers.
Additional algae and caffeine extracts
prevent the formation of new orange peel skin
on hips and thighs
and increase fat cleavage.
Collagen-accentuated cellulite

Collagen-accentuated cellulite is caused by oestrogen deficiency and
Slagging of the connective tissue due to
diminishing collagen and elastin fibres.
The deltoid skin appears flabby.
Creases occur when bending over
at the affected zones.
Greatly reduce cellulite - combine PeptidX CELLU THERAPY with collagen wraps and Aloe Pura Drink & Basic Mix.
Fat-accentuated cellulite

Fat-accentuated cellulite is caused by the accumulation of
enlarged fat cells, which become over-acidified and slagged in the connective tissue.
The causes are obesity or genetic factors.
Mild to severe cellulite is the result.
For optimum results - PeptidX CELLU THERAPY in combination with Melting Belts and the Aloe Pura Drink.
Water-accentuated cellulite

Water-accentuated cellulite is mainly found in very thin women.
Here, strongly agglutinated water deposits dominate
and a thickening of the connective tissue cords.
Slight but visible cellulite is the result.
For the best results, use the PeptidX CELLU THERAPY together with detox wraps and the Basic Mix.

Arrange a test appointment right now in one of our Studio of your choice
You will receive a free figure type analysis!
We will advise you individually and are happy to create a tailor-made body shaping programme on request.